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最新消息 > 日本成為2020年春節最熱門旅行目的地


同花順財經發布時間:01-2118:59浙江核新同花順網絡信息股份有限公司今日主播周明陽說:農歷春節臨近,出國旅游成為不少國人歡度新春佳節的新選擇,那么今年人們最喜歡去哪里過年呢?來自Booking Holdings旗下的在線旅游預訂平臺之一Agoda的預訂數據顯示,日本是中國游客歡慶春節的首選國家,其中東京、大阪、札幌和京都均入選2020年十大春節熱門目的地,分別位居前三和第六。去年位列第三的曼谷今年屈居第八。此外,首爾和新加坡首次入選,分別位于第四和第五位,巴厘島和菲律賓的宿務自2017年以來首次重返榜單,分別位于第九和第十位。除了中國,亞洲多個國家也會慶祝春節,如韓國、越南等。春節是拜訪親朋好友以及全家出游的最佳時機,世界各地將迎來出游高峰。縱觀整個亞洲市場,日本、馬來西亞和泰國均以特色美食、文化購物體驗贏得家庭游客的喜愛,成為今年亞洲游客春節旅行的首選國家。微軟2030年實現碳負排放 Microsoft:Carbon Negative By2030微軟宣布宏偉目標及計劃:減少并最終消除微軟的碳足跡。Microsoft announced an ambitious goal and a new plan to reduce and ultimately remove Microsoft’s carbon footprint.到2030年,微軟將實現碳負排放;到2050年,微軟還將從大氣環境中消除部分碳排放,總量為自1975年公司成立以來的碳排放量總和,其中包括直接排放或因用電產生的碳排放。By2030Microsoft will be carbon negative,and by2050Microsoft will remove from the environment all the carbon the company has emitted either directly or by electrical consumption since it was founded in1975.微軟還發布了一項強力計劃,幫助公司在2030年將碳排放量減少超過一半以上,包括直接排放以及整個供應鏈和價值鏈產生的排放。Microsoft launched an aggressive program to cut the carbon emissions by more than half by2030,both for the direct emissions and for the entire supply and value chain.微軟將通過進一步推行內部碳稅政策,收費范圍將不僅限于公司直接排放,而是擴大至企業供應鏈和價值鏈,從而為實現目標提供部分的資金支持。Microsoft will fund this in part by expanding the internal carbon fee to start charging not only its direct emissions,but those from its supply and value chains.微軟還提出了一項倡議,通過自身技術幫助全球各地的供應商和客戶減少他們的碳足跡。Microsoft is also launching an initiative to use Microsoft technology to help its suppliers and customers around the world reduce their own carbon footprints 同時撥款10億美元設立氣候創新基金,幫助加快全球碳減排、碳捕獲和碳消除技術的發展。and a new$1billion climate innovation fund to accelerate the global development of carbon reduction,capture,and removal technologies.巴斯夫發布2019年汽車色彩分析報告BASF Color Report2019For AutomotiveOEMCoatingsReleased 在全球范圍內,大約39%的汽車為白色。這是《2019年巴斯夫汽車原廠漆色彩報告》的主要結論之一。About39%of all cars built around the globe were painted white.This is one of the central results of the BASF Color Report2019for Automotive OEM Coatings.這個數字的背后是有趣的轉變:雖然白色是各大地區最流行的顏色,但在地區分布上卻存在顯著差異。Behind that number is an interesting shift:Although white is the most popular color in every region,there are remarkable differences in the regional distribution.在亞太地區,幾乎每兩輛汽車中就有一輛是白色;而在北美以及歐洲、中東和非洲,則是每三輛汽車中有一輛是白色。While in Asia Pacific almost every second car is painted white,only every third car in North America and EMEA is coated in this color.除白色外,黑、灰、銀是另外三種最受歡迎的非彩色系,共占2019年整體汽車產量的39%。Other achromatic colors–black,gray and silver–are the next three most popular colors.Together,they coat another39%of the cars that rolled off the assembly line in2019.2019年,全球有22%的新車采用了彩色噴漆,其中約9%為藍色,7%為紅色。The other22%of the world’s new vehicles were sprayed with chromatic colors in2019.About9%of the vehicles produced globally were blue,and7%were painted red.每種色彩都反映了與汽車擁有者和個性相關的情感動機。巴斯夫的設計師致力于通過獨特的顏料、特效和其他創新技術,打造出深邃而亮麗的色調。Each addressing an emotional motive that goes with car ownership and individuality.BASF’s designers use unique pigments,effects and other innovations to create deep and brilliant shades.豐田將把中型皮卡生產轉至墨西哥Toyota Shifts MidsizePickup Production To Mexico 據CNBC報道,豐田汽車將中型皮卡塔科馬的全部生產從得克薩斯州轉移到墨西哥。該公司正在重組其北美業務,并在明年之前在美國的制造業務上投資130億美元。Toyota Motor will shift all production of the Tacoma midsize pickup from Texas to Mexico as it restructures its North American footprint and invests$13billion in U.S.manufacturing operations through next year,by CNBC reports.豐田表示,這一改變不會導致美國就業崗位的流失,其中包括在2022年之前將紅杉SUV引入圣安東尼奧工廠。Toyota says no U.S.jobs will be lost as a result of the change,which also includes bringing the Sequoia SUV to the San Antonio plant by2022.根據公司發言人的說法,生產的改變是為了將北美的汽車組裝工廠基于共享的平臺和共同的架構進行分組,以降低成本,提高操作速度和競爭力。The production changes,according to a company spokesman,are designed to group North American vehicle assembly plants based on shared platforms and common architectures to cut costs and improve operational speed and competitiveness.豐田近日宣布上述計劃,慶祝其位于印第安納州西南部的工廠完成13億美元投資,這是此前宣布的在2021年之前的五年時間里向美國業務投資130億美元計劃的一部分。Toyota announced the plans on recently as it celebrated the completion of a$1.3billion investment at its plant in southwest Indiana as part of a previously-announced plan to invest$13billion in its U.S.operations over a five-year period through2021.截至目前,豐田汽車已經宣布71億美元的投資。It has announced investments of$7.1billion thus far.漢莎航空與谷歌云計算部門展開合作Lufthansa Rolls Out Partnership With Google’s Cloud Unit 據外媒報道,漢莎航空正在與谷歌云計算部門合作。該公司將利用谷歌云的基礎設施,將其完全不同的IT系統和有關飛機更換和機組調度等流程數據整合到統一平臺上。Lufthansa is partnering with Google’s cloud unit.It will use Google Cloud’s infrastructure to bring its disparate IT systems and data on processes like aircraft replacement and crew scheduling into one unified platform.其目的是優化漢莎航空的運營,尤其是在極端天氣或交通擁堵造成航班中斷的情況下。The aim is to optimize Lufthansa’s operations,especially during flight disruptions caused by extreme weather or congestion.該航空公司的工作人員將使用一個由谷歌云技術支持的操作平臺來提出建議,使其飛行計劃重回正軌。The airline’s staff will use an operations platform powered by Google’s cloud tech to come up with suggestions for putting its flight plan back on track.漢莎航空執行董事會成員德特勒夫.凱塞表示:“通過將谷歌云計算技術與漢莎航空的運營專長相結合,我們正在進一步推動業務的數字化。”“By combining Google Cloud’s technology with Lufthansa Group’s operational expertise,we are driving the digitization of our operation even further,”said Detlef Kayser,an executive board member at Lufthansa.谷歌云的首席執行官托馬斯.庫里安表示,這次合作將為兩家公司提供“徹底改變航空運營未來的重大機會”。Google Cloud’s CEO,Thomas Kurian,said the partnership would provide the two companies with a“significant opportunity to revolutionize the future of airline operations.”來源: 經濟日報
